wwwwwwari@github.io: ~ $ about me
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"If a cat scratches keys at random on a laptop for an infinite amount of time, it is guaranteed to produce a working code."
-- Some drunk French mathematicians out there
Name: Wari
Description: A lucky cat that can produce syntactically correct code 1% of the time.
Gender: Unknown
Strength: Jack of all trades
Weakness: Jack of all trades
Work-Experience: 5 Years of COBOL and Excel Macros
Can-Also-Code: C, Java, JaveScript, PHP, and Python
Does-Not-Want-To-Code: CSS
Favorite-Food: Japanese cold soba
 - Typesetting & redrawing manga scans
 - Drawing bad anime fanart
 - Speaking completely broken Japanese and feeling smug about it
 - GitHub<wwwwwwari>
 - Mastodon<@wari@fosstodon.org>
 - Twitter<@wwwwwwari>
 - Matrix<@wwwwwwari@matrix.org>
wwwwwwari@github.io: ~ $